Sunday, November 7, 2010

What we will be learning for the week of November 8th - 12th

***Don't forget that this week (Monday - Thursday) all 2nd graders will be taking the Stanford Achievement test. We will test throughout the morning on each of these days and then have regular instruction during the afternoon. There will also be no homework and no spelling words this week due to Stanford testing.

Math: This week we will begin adding two digit numbers! We will practice adding the ones first, and then add the tens. This is a step to get us ready to add two digit numbers with regrouping!!!

Science: This week in science we will continue exploring light energy. We will perform a few different experiments to show that light effects the color of objects, temperature, and the appearance of objects.

Social Studies: This week we will begin our study of Thanksgiving. We will learn about the First Thanksgiving and discuss what we are thankful for.

Language Arts: We will be learning what a fable is this week. The students will be reading and writing fables as well. We will also do a review throughout the week of nouns, adjectives, punctuation, capitalization, and our editing skills.

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