Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

This week in math we will learn all about telling time! We will work on telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and five minutes. Please practice having your child read clocks around your house this week.

In science this week we will finish up learning about motion. Some of the vocabulary words we have been discussing in science lately are; force, motion, push, pull, friction, location, magnetism, and gravity. Discuss these with your student this week.

This week in social studies we will discuss ways that families celebrate the New Year and the different New Years resolutions they may have for 2012. Later this week we will get back to our discussions in economics. We will review goods, and services and learn more about how our economy works!

In Language Arts we will be reading winter stories and learning about New Year's Day customs around the world. We will be writing some of our own resolutions for the new year and reflecting on what we learned and loved about the year 2011.
In Word Study/Spelling our focus is words with the vowel digraph ai. This week's list includes: rain, pain, brain, train, chain, pail, mail, sail, nail, and rail.
This week's Word Wall Words include: read, didn't, because, looking, always

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