Saturday, October 16, 2010

A visit from Wuzzy

Friday morning Wuzzy arrived in our classroom bright and early. He was ready to start the day in 2nd grade!

Wuzzy was a little bit frightened when he saw the poster about vampire bats hanging in the classroom (here he is with Mitchell covering up his eyes). Once we explained to him that bats are actually gentle, helpful creatures, he felt much better!

Several of the students enjoyed reading their library books to Wuzzy in class like Mattie did in this picture.

Wuzzy enjoyed listening to Paris share some of her writing.

Wuzzy LOVED Ameena's book about adjectives!

Wuzzy helped Eryn get prepared for her spelling test.

Evan and Issaih explained the cafeteria rules to Wuzzy and he was a very good listener and followed ALL of the rules. Way to go Wuzzy!

Wuzzy became great friends with our classroom bear, Brownie.

Alexis and A.J. explained how to do the morning warm-up and Wuzzy caught on very quickly.

Mrs. Shaw and Ms. Overbeck knew their students could be responsible and take good care of Wuzzy........and they did! Time for Wuzzy to go back to the clinic.......maybe he'll get to come and visit again soon!

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